
Alathel is the largest kingdom of the known lands of Ærethia.
It is a Cloud Elven ruled kingdom but is populated by most of the civilized species.


The government of Alathel on the main continent is a democratic monarchy. A noble is elected to office for life and has the same power as a king or queen. While it is possible to remove them from office using a vote of no-confidence, this has to be initiated by a majoriy of high level nobles which is a herculean task at best.

Foreign Policy

Alathel is a patriotic culture, believing that the kingdom is the greatest, strongest, and most advanced of the kingdoms.


There has been out-and-out war between Alathel and the Garasky nations, but there has been a tentative peace as the Garasky war with the true giants is ongoing. This truce hinges on the fact that Alathel annexed much of the southern lands from them. It is generally believed that if the Garasky win their war that the truce will likely end.

Blood Elves

Bad blood seems to be eternal between the Blood Elves and the Cloud Elves. There are three nations of Blood Elves, Lotha, Æthor, and Cador. Only Lotha shares a content with Alethel so the other nations are not in direct contact. No one truly remembers how this started but it is culturally engrained in both now. Due to a lack of shared borders, battles and skirmishes are rare outside of non-government entities usually erupting over contested digs and random run ins.


At a governmental level, there is a long standing peace between Alathel and the K'Zar. Unfotunately, due to not sharing a border direct trade is rare though trade between the nations via the Sand Dwarves is common. On a cultural level, most citizens of Alathel are very uneasy around the K'Zar due to their alien nature.

The Foundry

The Foundry is closed off from the rest of the world and avoided by outsiders. The nations have an implied peace but have the government have never spoken directly.


With the Deathlings being a fairly insular cult, contact is not common and the borders of Hæven are not stricly defined. While there is no conflict between the the Cloud Elves and the Deathlings and Deathlings are not forbidden from Alathel, it is rare to see them.








Laws vary a bit as does enforcement from settlement to settlement. Some of the laws of the kingdom most likely to be enforced are listed below:

Laws Regarding Magic Use

Law Typical Punishments Details
Excessive Magic Banishment, imprisonment Use of magic over the 3rd level is prohibited in settlements and magic over the 6th level is prohibited anywhere in the kingdom.
Necromancy Execution, banishment Use of Necromancy is completely forbidden.
Unregistered Healing Banishment, imprisonment The use healing and restoration magic you must be registered with a restoration guild or religious order.

Common Laws

The following are all explicitly illegal. This list is not entirely inclusive:

Law Typical Punishments Details
Contract Breach Imprisonment, amercement, banishment Breaking a contract generally encures a financial punishment, however; doing so with someone of high enough social standing or on a public contract can lead to harsher punishments.
Destruction of Property Execution, amercement, banishment As with Contract Breach, the severity of punishment for destruction of property depends on who's property it was.
Evading Punishment Execution Attempting to evade punishment for another crime, such as not paying an amercement, returning after banishment, or breaking out of prison is always punishable by death.
Unregistered Trade Practice Imprisonment, amercement, banishment Practicing trades where a guild is registered outside of that guild is a punishable crime.
Murder Execution, banishment Murder, with the exclusion of provable self-defense, is punishable by death in most of the kingdom. In areas that are near a border, banishment is also an option.
Sexual Assault Execution Sexual assault is punishable to death regardless of the area of the kingdom in which it occurs. Though, highly powerful nobles occasionally are able to bury the charges...and the victim.
Slavery Imprisonment, banishment Slavery has been illegal since shortly after the Day of Embers. It is generally punished by a sentence of twice the length of time the slavery occured or by permanent banishment.
Tax Evasion Imprisonment, amercement Taxes are imposed on all business ventures including but not limited to farms, trades, and shipping. Not paying your taxes will lead to either financial punishment, imprisonment, or both.
Theft Imprisonment, amercement, banishment Punishments for theft vary greatly on who the victim is and how influential they are with the local government.