A large sailing ship captained by Captain Grestal. The ship has been docked in the harbor for a week with no one coming or going. Rumors have circulated that it is haunted, however; it has been determined to be inhabited by mimics that have become sentient.
Mersel was the mayor of Kuridu just over a hundred years ago. He decided it would be in the best interest of the town to build a wall for protection. Before the wall could be built, a new mayor was elected and the project was abandoned because the new mayor didn't want to "waste" money on a "vanity project". With the town having not been invaded and due to the propoganda of the new mayor, the wall became known as Mersel's Folly.

The most popular pub in town is Pour Judgement. A frequent stop over for sailors and molers passing through town, it has cheap drinks and loud patrons. There is almost always a musical act on stage except when the musicians have passed out drunk.

Drink Menu

  • Item
  • 25 cp/5 shots
    A citrus flavored shot that can only be made 5 shots at a time. Made entirely of alcoholic ingredients, it is quite strong.
  • 1 cp/shot
    Goblin Blood is an alcohol made in house using a proprietary recipe. As the name implies, it is a thick green alcohol that tastes like strong herbs.
  • 1 sp/pint
    The Lost Knight will make you forget your night. It is a very strong stout ale.

A small pond located on the western side of Kuridu, Soul Pond is a favored gathering place for those of lesser means in the town.
The Old Grounds is the only graveyard in Kuridu because burial was replaced with cremation for all but the most important people. Burial in a single grave is prohibitively expensive so there are several family mausoleums which hold dozens of skeletal remains. The graveyard keeper is a Slaugh named :NPC,Kra: who has a talking raven named Grumbles. Kra has a scar across their neck that makes vocalization impossible so Grumbles does the talking, however; Grumbles speaks in very broken incomplete sentences.
Town Center is the center of town from a political and financial perspective.
The courthouse is where most criminal and civil trials are settled. Courts in Atheria are held with a single judge who decides the guilt or innocence and another who passes down the sentence.

The Cumin Inn is a well appointed inn with around two dozen sizeable rooms for people to rent. Like many inns in Asiel, there isn't a dining area or bar though they do offer chili and water for lunch and dinner in room.

The owner is a 50 year old Boggan named Boxam. He stands at 3'2" tall, has deep brown hair that is cut short, and is known to misuse long words in an effort to sound smart.


  • Item
  • 5 gp/night
    A small room consists of a full size bed, small foot trunk, and a wash bowl.
  • 10 gp/night
    A large room comes with a queen sized bed, an armoire, a large foot trunk, a chamber pot, and a bathtub.
  • 2 gp/serving
    The namesake of the inn, the room meal is considered to be the best chili of the entire coast.

Housing the skeletal remains of a Coji warrior who fell during the Dragon Wars, this park has been named Ember Park in its honor. The park is often the center of celebrations and events in the town and boasts a stage with seating for performances and speeches.

Some of the events that are held or centered in the park are The Moler's Festival, The Day of Embers, and The Strait of Stars Festival

Every decade, an election is held to elect a mayor for the town. One of the many benefits of being mayor is that you occupy the mayor's house.

The house is better described as a mansion in comparison to all other homes in Kuridu. There are two stories, two dining rooms, two kitchens, a wine cellar, and six bedrooms.

The Storm's Brewing isn't just a tavern, it's also a brewery and the nicest tavern in town. They make their own ales and grogs the flagship of which is the Maiden Storm.

The owner and brewmaster, Margret Crewe, is a 41 year old sapien. She's owned A Storms Brewing for the past 5 years after a long career at sea. At 5'1" tall, she's short for a human and has a toned build and skin. She often smells of flowery soaps and has a slight lisp.

Drink Menu

  • Item
  • 20 sp/pint
    A delicious ale with notes of cloves and cinnamon.
  • 25 sp/pint
    A pale slightly fizzy ale, golden amber in colour. The barrels for this have a large sailing boat on them, and is often found in coastal towns though its popularity but it is brewed here in Kuridu.
  • 5 sp/pint
    An amber colored mead that has a floral aroma yet bitter backend.
  • 10 sp/shot
    A dark rum made from sugar extracted from coconuts, this is a favorite of the captains who have the wealth to afford it regularly.

Food Menu

  • Item
  • 20 sp/plate
    Each morning, a group of skilled hunters brings a beast (or beasts) that was killed and cleaned the day before. The chef then prepares the meat starting before dawn taking care to spice it just right. Today's meat is broiled quail.
  • 40 sp/plate
    Delicious freshly caught delta smelt braised with watercress, calabrese, and taro harvested the same day all cooked in the same pot.
  • 30 sp/plate
    Served on a stone plate with an flavorsome tomato sauce and a side of steamed beets.
  • 5 sp/bowl
    For the person in your party who just can't afford the other dishes, a bowl of vegetables stewed in a fish broth for 12 hours.

Acera, the deity of storms and turmoil, is the primary deity of Kuridu. This is why the Temple of Acera is the largest religious building in the town and is located in the town center. Other believers are allowed to use the grounds and temple for prayers though there is no iconography for them.

Primarily used as the offices of the mayor and other leaders of the town, the townhall does have other uses.

  • Monthly meetings to discuss town business occur on the third of the month
  • High profile criminal and civil trials are held
  • Some guild licenses are issued
  • Festival planning
Settler's Market was the original trading post of Kuridu which popped up not long after the fishing village was formed. It is the permanent market for the affluent side of town.
Bob's is a plant nursery that specializes in herbs for apothecaries.
The Kuridu Animal Rescue is a rescue and pet shop owned by an Orc named :n,Dandy:. He has an assistant named :n,Aste: who really only spends her time playing with the animals.

Paw Paw was a soldier in the north before coming to Kuridu to retire as a shop keep to sell weapons. His weapons, while functional, are also beautifully crafted. You won't find anything here that is purely functional.

Arasha, the blacksmith, works in the back of the shop crafting the weapons and takes great pride in making things that are useful and decorative.


  • Item
  • Breastplate
    440 gp
  • Chain shirt
    60 gp
  • Greataxe
    30 gp
  • Hide armor
    10 gp
  • Longsword
    15 gp
  • Net
    11 sp
  • Scale mail
    60 gp
  • Spear
    12 sp
  • Splint armor
    200 gp
  • Whip
    22 sp

Magical items are not easy to come by but if you need some, Strange Things is the shop to patronize. Jarthel is as strange as the shop's name would imply but he is a fair trader.


Voynich's specializes in rare and hard to find scrolls, tomes, and tablets.
While newer than the Settler's Market, Community Plaza is not nearly as nice because it is located in the poorer part of town. Nonetheless you can find all manner of goods and for a much smaller markup here.
:n,Melvin Marvelmeadows: runs this shop of magical sundries. While primarily concerned with selling [æther ore](/Lore/ÆtherOre), he also sells consumables such as potions.


Older and cheaper than the Cumin Inn, Robert and Robert's Inn started out as a furniture maker before pivoting when the original owner passed it on to his son and his son's husband, Tyson Robert and Tice Robert, took over the business. It is very important to the owners that everyone say the name of the business correctly which is Robert and Ro-bear. Because of the owners being sticklers for this, most people just call it R&R's.


  • Item
  • 2 cp/night
    A small cot located in a communal room.
  • 10 cp/night
    A small room with a storage trunk, single bed, and chamber pot.
  • 2cp
    A simple meal, usually a stew, made from whatever the ownders can get ahold of that day.

Originally owned by a heavy set Cloud Elf of low noble birth named Bovit Roshan. After Bovit's death, his Troll servant Braj and Braj's daughter Ralya took over the tavern. Being more focused on serving food than being a pub, Stews & Brews is a quieter tavern than most. That being said, with Braj and Ralya being trolls, once per week there is a night of music and dancing though trouble rarely breaks out.

Drink Menu

  • Item
  • 2 cp/pint
    A hearty ale with a nutty bitterness that lingers on the palate
  • 2 cp/pint
    A thick dark stout with a burnt coffee aftertaste.
  • 4 cp/glass
    An amber colored brandy that has an open floral scent.

Food Menu

The Sword and Bored specializes in gear for Moler's. This includes basic weapons, shields, and spelunking equipment. The store is owned and operated by a sapien named Ida Strater.


  • Item
  • Chain mail
    75 gp
  • Dart
    5 cp
  • Flail
    9 gp
  • Javelin
    55 cp
  • Maul
    11 gp
  • Ring mail
    33 gp
  • Shortbow
    275 sp
  • Spear
    1 gp
  • Whip
    18 sp

Being that Kuridu is a port city, the docks are a very important part of the town. The dock workers hold a great deal of power, and the dock master is nearly as powerful as the mayor.
The most well known shop in all of Kuridu, the Sable Sea deals in adventuring goods such as rope, poles, and rations.
These wharehouses are used to store supplies for the docks as well as preserving fish.
The lamps along this stretch of road are encased in red glass.
The most popular brothel in the Red Light. Run by :n,Cynti Rosewood: who is mostly known as Cyn around town.
Lucksmith's, as it is often called, is an enormous casino with an attached lounge. While it is only a few years old, it is extremely popular. The following games are available: * :d,Winds of Fate: * :d,Swind: * :d,Rogue's Wheel: * :d,Vine One: (dealer stands on 17)
Location of the smithies of Kuridu as well as their guild headquarters. Also in this district is the Pour Judgement, a raucous tavern frequented by the local lower class.

The most popular pub in town is Pour Judgement. A frequent stop over for sailors and molers passing through town, it has cheap drinks and loud patrons. There is almost always a musical act on stage except when the musicians have passed out drunk.

Drink Menu

  • Item
  • 25 cp/5 shots
    A citrus flavored shot that can only be made 5 shots at a time. Made entirely of alcoholic ingredients, it is quite strong.
  • 1 cp/shot
    Goblin Blood is an alcohol made in house using a proprietary recipe. As the name implies, it is a thick green alcohol that tastes like strong herbs.
  • 1 sp/pint
    The Lost Knight will make you forget your night. It is a very strong stout ale.

Owned by an incredibly snooty Cloud Elf named :n,Aetalla Abarah:, they have a team of five whitesmiths outputting everything for delicate jewelry to polished armor.
A well known and respected blacksmithy specializing in making a tough and rigid steel useful for ships and tools.
Dockside Estates is an upscale neighborhood inhabited primarily by rich merchants and ship owners.
A large and well maintained mansion situated snuggly between the docks and Ember Park occupied by the Sea Dwarf Noble Flest.
The home to the Moler's Guild, the most powerful guild in Kuridu. An enormous building with three stories above ground and at least one below.


Area 1 sq mile
Population ~10,000 (the population fluctuates a lot)

Located on The Strait of Stones in a deep bay, Kuridu is the largest settlement in Asiel yet it has more in common with a frontier settlement than a city. Every three years a mayor is elected via popular vote during the Festival of Nights. The current mayor is Glisena Bebnar, a 43 year old Cloud Elf female from a lesser noble family. This position is often considered to be more ceremonial than not because most issues are settled between individuals though troops from Alathel often patrol the city. If they witness any illegal activity, they will intervene and enact the laws of the kingdom. Criminal offenses are handled at the courthouse, except for high profile cases which are handled at the townhall, with punishments being death, exile, or public humiliation. The city has no prison.

The city is divided in two by the Castal River with the western side being poorer neighborhoods and the east being more well off. Homes in the vicinity of the Mayor's House tend to be more well off than the rest of the city.

Being a port city with ships regularly moving through the The Straight of Stones and to Alathel, the economy relies heavily on trade and hospitality. Treasure hunters often stop off on their way to the The Sable Sea to stock up on equipment and provisions. Those who have made some coin will often spend it on the many hospitality services of the city. In addition to trade and hospitality, there are also thriving fishing and guide industries. Like any moderately large city, the underbelly does host organized and non-organized crime. The local gangs are organized into three separate guilds that often clash over territory. Additionally, the gangs will sometimes shift from one guild to another at a whim leading to even more friction.

The city is built from a local dark brown clay that resembles adobe in shape and texture wrapped around timber frames. Buildings range from one to three stories though no basements exist due to the city being so close to the water table. The local builders have a single guild which is responsible for the fact that all buildings have red clay or wood shingles and a fairly uniform style.