
Once the dominant lineage of Ærethia, Humans were nearly made extinct during the Dragon Wars.


Deathlings were once humans belonging to a cult who hid underground at the beginning of the Dragon Wars. Through many generations of natural and forced trait selection they have become separated enough from humans to be considered a new heritage.

Physical Traits

While they may pass for a short Sapien in silhouette, they look considerably different in the light. Their skin is translucent white allowing their subcutaneous features to be partially seen and only the young have hair on their heads. Their eyes range from pink to burgundy.

Ability Score Increase Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age The age of maturity religiously, socially, and usually physically for Deathlings is exactly at the age of 17. They live an average of 85 years. At 90, they are forced to leave the community being considered a burden. Priests are excluded from this exile.
Size Deathlings average between 3'6" and 4'8" and around 64lbs. Your size is Medium.
Speed Your base walking speed is 30.
Spelunking You are able to squeeze through tight spaces as small as 2.5 feet without costing extra movement. Additionally, you have advantage on climbing checks.

Cultural Traits

Strict Theocracy

Deathlings are ruled by a strict theocracy. Priests are chosen from the population by the existing leaders during a ceremony at the age of 8. From that point they are raised in the capital temple with the others. They will never see their parents ever again outside of a potential official capacity.
Crimes against the government are punished with one of two sentences, death or exile…with exile being as slow considered a death sentence. Once someone is exiled, their name and life are completely removed from any official records. Anyone seen speaking with or aiding them is exiled as well.
Crimes and disagreements between individuals are settled by the government. This rarely happens as the outcome for the winner is simply a less severe punishment than that of the loser.


A fanatical devotion to the theocracy is ingrained from birth and the outside world is seen as dangerous and violent. Those who are not priests in the high echelons will likely never see the world outside of their caves unless exiled and most are not even curious due to the fear driven into them.

Deathling Names

Deathling couplings are strictly controlled by the priests. Upon birth, the child is given a name by the priests who made the coupling.
Deathling Male Names Adand, Bani, Ninveh, Sharn, Ukin
Deathling Female Names Ammat, Cantel, Puri, Rami, Shumma

Deathling Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
True Devotion Due to your long devotion to the Cult of the Embers, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. Even those who have left the cult maintain this ability due to the practice of single mindedness.
Preparations for the End You are proficient with light and medium armor and with shortswords, longswords, shortbows, and longbows.


Once the dominant race of Ærethia, the Dragon Wars drove them into near extinction. They are now scattered across the world living in the settlements of other races. Occasionally a family will strike out and live on their own leading to villages of 10 to 30 Humans though this is rare. Many blame humans for the Dragon Wars so they are often treated poorly by others.

Physical Traits

After being nearly extinct, the physical appearance of Sapiens became less varied than it once was. While exceptions do exist most Sapiens have tan to dark brown skin and dark hair. Eye color still sees a large range with darker colors being more frequent.

Ability Score Increase Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age There is no clear age of majority for Sapiens though most children begin learning a new trade around the age of 14 if they are not taking up the trade of their parents. Sapiens live to an average of 95 years.
Size Sapiens stand between 4'11" and 6'6" tall with a average around 155 lbs. Sexual diphormism exists but isn’t very pronounced with females being slightly shorter than males. Your size is Medium.
Speed Your base walking speed is 30.
Quick Learner You are proficient in one skill of your choice.

Cultural Traits

Displacement and Emigration

Before the war, there was a small settlement on the island of Jerani but it was mostly untamed. Having been displaced on the Day of Embers with most of their cities and towns razed, many sapiens fled to the island though the majority emigrated to the settlements of the other lineages.


After the War of Dragons, many of the lineages blamed the Sapiens for the destruction and the state of magic on Ærethis. This has lead them to not be accepted as readily in some societies. Luckily the Cloud Elves have officially denounced this opinion granting them some respite in their settlements though not every Cloud Elf shares the official belief.

Sapien Names

Sapiens are given a name by their parents at birth and rarely if ever have a second name. If give a second name, it is based on the parent of the same gender and usually only if one of the parents is well known. All first names are considered gender neutral.
Sapien Given Names Aldus, Col, Malle, Rohese, Stace, Wilmot

Sapien Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Extra Language You know one additional language of your choosing. Usually this will be the language of another lineage.
Weapon Training You are proficient with all simple melee weapons.