
K'Zar (ku-tzar) are the most unusual of the civilized species on Ærethia. Their appearance is distinct and the males and females of their species live in different regions of the same kingdom.

Physical Traits

K'Zar have a strange look. A large elongated skull with no mouth sits atop a humanoid body. The skull plate of C'Rel (females) is angled more upward than that of the N'Dar (males). They tend to be slight in build with slightly elongated arms and legs. Their skin comes in a myriad of different colors from all points of the rainbow.

Ability Score Increase C'Rel Constitution score increases by 1. N'Dar Strength scored increases by 1.
Age K'zar are mature around the age of 12 and live to an average of 70 years.
Size C'Rel stand between 5 feet 6 inches and 6 feet tall with a average around 165 lbs. while D'Nar are between 5 feet and 5 feet 8 inches and 155 lbs. Your size is Medium.
Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Purple Blood Due to their unique blood, K'Zar are able to stand high temperatures and live without food for longer than most other heritages. You are not affected by high temperature climates and can last for twice as long as other races without food and water.

Cultural Traits

One Species, Two Kingdoms

While both the female C'Rel and male N'Dar are the different genders of the same species, they have different settlements and kingdoms with the C'Rel living in Yote and the N'Dar in Kaveth. Once every three years during the celebration of the harvest ending which falls the weeks before and after the autumn equinox the kingdoms form a joint settlement on their shared border. During this time, each C'Rel chooses three N'Dar to mate with. Over the next three years, she can then decide to fertilize an egg when she is ready with any of the three seeds she has collected. The length of gestation prior to laying an egg determines the gender of the child and a balance of three females to two males is kept to the best of their ability.

K'Zar Names

K'Zar are given names immediately after hatching by their mother. The males never meet their children so have no input into the naming. Due to the nature of their culture, there are no unisex names. In C'Rel culture, will take on a honorary title sometime before adulthood that can be a prefix or suffix.
C'Rel Names Che-ahbi, Doshgha, Goudda, Ithgogha
N'Dar Names Codokli, Kandan, Nakai, Tashal

K'Zar Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Ambidextrous Due to training that requires focusing on off handed training, you add your ability modifier to off handed weapon attacks.
Knowledge You are proficient in one Intelligence based skill of your choice.