
  • Item
  • Abacus
    2 gp
    2 lb.
  • Acid (vial)
    25 gp
    1 lb.
  • Alchemist's fire (flask)
    50 gp
    1 lb.
  • Antitoxin (vial)
    50 gp
  • Backpack
    2 gp
    5 lb.
  • Ball bearings (bag of 1,000)
    1 gp
    2 lb.
  • Barrel
    2 gp
    70 lb.
  • Basket
    4 sp
    2 lb.
  • Bedroll
    1 gp
    7 lb.
  • Bell
    1 gp
  • Blanket
    5 sp
    3 lb.
  • Block and tackle
    1 gp
    5 lb.
  • Book
    25 gp
    5 lb.
  • Bottle, glass
    2 gp
    2 lb.
  • Caltrops (bag of 20)
    1 gp
    2 lb.
  • Candle
    1 cp
  • Case, crossbow bolt
    1 gp
    1 lb.
  • Case, map or scroll
    1 gp
    1 lb.
  • Chain (10 feet)
    5 gp
    10 lb.
  • Chalk (1 piece)
    1 cp
  • Chest
    5 gp
    25 lb.
  • Climber's Kit
    25 gp
    12 lb.
  • Clothes, common
    4 sp
    3 lb.
  • Clothes, costume
    5 gp
    4 lb.
  • Clothes, fine
    15 gp
    6 lb.
  • Clothes, traveler's
    2 gp
    4 lb.
  • Component Pouch
    25 gp
    2 lb.
  • Crowbar
    2 gp
    5 lb.
  • Fishing tackle
    1 gp
    4 lb.
  • Flask
    2 cp
    1 lb.
  • Grappling hook
    2 gp
    4 lb.
  • Hammer
    1 gp
    3 lb.
  • Hammer, sledge
    2 gp
    10 lb.
  • Healer's kit
    25 gp
    1 lb.
  • Holy water (flask)
    25 gp
    1 lb.
  • Hourglass
    25 gp
    1 lb.
  • Hunting trap
    5 gp
    25 lb.
  • Ink (1 ounce bottle)
    10 gp
  • Ink pen
    2 cp
  • Jug
    2 cp
    4 lb.
  • Ladder (10 foot)
    1 sp
    25 lb.
  • Lamp
    5 sp
    1 lb.
  • Lantern, bullseye
    10 gp
    2 lb.
  • Lantern, hooded
    5 gp
    2 lb.
  • Lock
    10 gp
    1 lb.
  • Magnifying glass
    100 gp
  • Manacles
    2 gp
    6 lb.
  • Mess kit
    2 sp
    1 lb.
  • Mirror, steel
    5 gp
    0.5 lb.
  • Oil (flask)
    1 sp
    1 lb.
  • Paper (one sheet)
    2 sp
  • Parchment (one sheet)
    1 sp
  • Perfume (vial)
    5 gp
  • Pick, miner's
    2 gp
    10 lb.
  • Pitcher
    2 cp
    4 lb.
  • Piton
    2 gp
    0.25 lb.
  • Poison, basic (vial)
    100 gp
  • Pole (10-foot)
    5 cp
    7 lb.
  • Pot, iron
    2 gp
    10 lb.
  • Potion of Healing
    50 gp
    0.5 lb.
  • Pouch
    5 sp
    1 lb.
  • Quiver
    1 gp
    1 lb.
  • Ram, portable
    4 gp
    35 lb.
  • Rations (1 day)
    5 sp
    2 lb.
  • Robes
    1 gp
    4 lb.
  • Rope, hempen (50 feet)
    1 gp
    10 lb.
  • Rope, silk (50 feet)
    10 sp
    5 lb.
  • Sack
    1 cp
    0.5 lb.
  • Scale, merchant's
    5 gp
    3 lb.
  • Sealing wax
    5 sp
  • Shovel
    2 gp
    5 lb.
  • Signal whistle
    5 cp
  • Signet ring
    5 gp
  • Soap
    2 cp
  • Spellbook
    50 gp
    3 lb.
  • Spikes, iron (10)
    1 gp
    5 lb.
  • Spyglass
    1,000 gp
    1 lb.
  • Tankard
    2 cp
    1 lb.
  • Tent, two-person
    2 gp
    20 lb.
  • Tinderbox
    5 sp
    1 lb.
  • Torch
    1 cp
    1 lb.
  • Vial
    1 gp
  • Waterskin
    2 sp
    5 lb.
  • Whetstone
    1 cp
    1 lb.
  • Armor Name
    Armor Class (AC)
  • Shield
  • Shield
    10 gp
    6 lb.
  • Light Armor
  • Padded armor
    5 gp
    11 + Dex modifier
    8 lb.
  • Leather armor
    10 gp
    11 + Dex modifier
    10 lb.
  • Studded leather armor
    45 gp
    12 + Dex modifier
    13 lb.
  • Medium Armor
  • Hide armor
    10 gp
    12 + Dex modifier (max 2)
    12 lb.
  • Chain shirt
    50 gp
    13 + Dex modifier (max 2)
    20 lb.
  • Scale mail
    50 gp
    14 + Dex modifier (max 2)
    45 lb.
  • Breastplate
    400 gp
    14 + Dex modifier (max 2)
    20 lb.
  • Half plate
    750 gp
    15 + Dex modifier (max 2)
    40 lb.
  • Heavy Armor
  • Ring mail
    30 gp
    40 lb.
  • Chain mail
    75 gp
    Str 13
    55 lb.
  • Splint armor
    200 gp
    Str 15
    60 lb.
  • Plate armor
    1,500 gp
    Str 15
    65 lb.
  • Item
  • Arcane Focus
  • Crystal
    10 gp
    1 lb.
  • Orb
    20 gp
    3 lb.
  • Rod
    10 gp
    2 lb.
  • Staff
    5 gp
    4 lb.
  • Wand
    10 gp
    1 lb.
  • Druidic Focus
  • Sprig of mistletoe
    1 gp
    0 lb.
  • Totem
    1 gp
    0 lb.
  • Wooden staff
    5 gp
    4 lb.
  • Yew wand
    10 gp
    1 lb.
  • Holy Symbol
  • Amulet
    5 gp
    1 lb.
  • Emblem
    5 gp
    0 lb.
  • Reliquary
    5 gp
    2 lb.
  • Item
  • Disguise kit
    25 gp
    3 lb.
  • Forgery kit
    15 gp
    5 lb.
  • Herbalism kit
    5 gp
    3 lb.
  • Navigator's tools
    25 gp
    2 lb.
  • Poisoner's kit
    50 gp
    2 lb.
  • Thieve's tools
    25 gp
    1 lb.
  • Artisan's Tools
  • Alchemist's supplies
    50 gp
    8 lb.
  • Brewer's supplies
    20 gp
    9 lb.
  • Calligrapher's supplies
    10 gp
    5 lb.
  • Carpenter's tools
    8 gp
    6 lb.
  • Cartographer's tools
    15 gp
    6 lb.
  • Cobbler's tools
    5 gp
    5 lb.
  • Cook's utensils
    1 gp
    8 lb.
  • Glassblower's tools
    30 gp
    5 lb.
  • Jeweler's tools
    25 gp
    2 lb.
  • Leatherworker's tools
    5 gp
    5 lb.
  • Mason's tools
    10 gp
    8 lb.
  • Painter's supplies
    10 gp
    5 lb.
  • Potter's tools
    20 gp
    3 lb.
  • Smith's tools
    20 gp
    8 lb.
  • Tinker's tools
    50 gp
    10 lb.
  • Weaver's tools
    50 gp
    8 lb.
  • Woodcarver's tools
    1 gp
    5 lb.
  • Gaming Sets
  • Dice set
    1 sp
    0 lb.
  • Emberchess set
    5 sp
    0.5 lb.
  • Playing card set
    5 sp
    0 lb.
  • Three-Coji Ante set
    1 gp
    0 lb.
  • Musical Instruments
  • Bagpipes
    30 gp
    6 lb.
  • Drum
    6 gp
    3 lb.
  • Dulcimer
    25 gp
    10 lb.
  • Flute
    2 gp
    1 lb.
  • Lute
    35 gp
    2 lb.
  • Lyre
    30 gp
    2 lb.
  • Horn
    3 gp
    2 lb.
  • Pan flute
    1 gp
    2 lb.
  • Shawm
    2 gp
    1 lb.
  • Viol
    30 gp
    1 lb.
  • Weapon Name
  • Simple Melee
  • Club
    1 sp
    1d4 Bludgeoning
    2 lb.
  • Dagger
    2 gp
    1d4 Piercing
    1 lb.
    Finesse, Light, Thrown
  • Greatclub
    2 sp
    1d8 Bludgeoning
    10 lb.
  • Handaxe
    5 gp
    1d6 Slashing
    2 lb.
    Light, Thrown
  • Javelin
    5 sp
    1d6 Piercing
    2 lb.
  • Light hammer
    2 gp
    1d4 Bludgeoning
    2 lb.
    Light, Thrown
  • Mace
    5 gp
    1d6 Bludgeoning
    4 lb.
  • Quarterstaff
    2 sp
    1d6 / 1d8 Bludgeoning
    4 lb.
  • Sickle
    1 gp
    1d4 Slashing
    2 lb.
  • Spear
    1 gp
    1d6 Piercing
    3 lb.
    Thrown, Versatile
  • Simple Ranged
  • Crossbow, light
    25 gp
    1d8 Piercing
    5 lb.
    Ammunition, Loading, Range, Two-Handed
  • Dart
    5 cp
    1d4 Piercing
    0.25 lb.
    Finesse, Thrown
  • Shortbow
    25 gp
    1d6 Piercing
    2 lb.
    Ammunition, Range, Two-Handed
  • Sling
    1 sp
    1d4 Bludgeoning
    0 lb.
    Ammunition, Range
  • Martial Melee
  • Battleaxe
    10 gp
    1d8 / 1d10 Slashing
    4 lb.
  • Flail
    10 gp
    1d8 Bludgeoning
    2 lb.
  • Glaive
    20 gp
    1d10 Slashing
    6 lb.
    Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed
  • Greataxe
    30 gp
    1d12 Slashing
    7 lb.
    Heavy, Two-Handed
  • Greatsword
    50 gp
    2d6 Slashing
    6 lb.
    Heavy, Two-Handed
  • Halberd
    20 gp
    1d10 Slashing
    6 lb.
    Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed
  • Lance
    10 gp
    1d12 Piercing
    6 lb.
    Reach, Special
  • Longsword
    15 gp
    1d8 / 1d10 Slashing
    3 lb.
  • Maul
    10 gp
    2d6 Bludgeoning
    10 lb.
    Heavy, Two-Handed
  • Morningstar
    15 gp
    1d8 Piercing
    4 lb.
  • Pike
    5 gp
    1d10 Piercing
    18 lb.
    Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed
  • Rapier
    25 gp
    1d8 Piercing
    2 lb.
  • Scimitar
    25 gp
    1d6 Slashing
    3 lb.
    Finesse, Light
  • Shortsword
    10 gp
    1d6 Piercing
    2 lb.
    Finesse, Light
  • Trident
    5 gp
    1d6 / 1d8 Piercing
    4 lb.
    Thrown, Versatile
  • War Pick
    5 gp
    1d8 Piercing
    2 lb.
  • Warhammer
    5 gp
    1d8 / 1d10 Bludgeoning
    2 lb.
  • Whip
    2 gp
    1d4 Slashing
    3 lb.
    Finesse, Reach
  • Martial Ranged
  • Blowgun
    10 gp
    1 Piercing
    1 lb.
    Ammunition, Loading, Range
  • Crossbow, hand
    75 gp
    1d6 Piercing
    3 lb.
    Ammunition, Light, Loading, Range
  • Crossbow, heavy
    50 gp
    1d10 Piercing
    18 lb.
    Ammunition, Heavy, Loading, Range, Two-Handed
  • Longbow
    50 gp
    1d8 Piercing
    2 lb.
    Ammunition, Heavy, Range, Two-Handed
  • Net
    1 gp
    0 None
    3 lb.
    Special, Thrown