
On Ærethia, dwarves are a nomadic race that ranges from scavengers to pirates to fishermen. With their nomadic nature, they are one of the more common to become adventurers and soldiers. The subraces of dwarves are based on geography. Because they are all fairly similar, dwarves are roughly the same size and have a similar life expectancy. 4’5” to 5’0” tall and average life expectancy of around 95 years. All dwarves are heavy with many being packed with muscle. Where once several small kingdoms that became united under a single ruler named Firebeard though when he died a power vacuum appeared and the ensuing inner conflict fractured them into the nomadic groups they are now.

Rock Dwarves

Rock Dwarves live in the temperate lands of Ærethia. Once a primarily subterranean race, they now live a nomadic life working primarily as manual laborers and mercenaries.

Physical Traits

They are between 4 feet and 5 feet tall and average around 150 lbs. Their skin ranges from pale white to deep tan with hair and eyes of every color normally found in most Elvenoids.

Ability Score Increase Your Strength score increases by 1.
Age Rock Dwarves age at the same rate as humans.
Size Your size is Medium
Speed Your base walking speed is 25. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.
Dwarven Resilience You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.

Cultural Traits

Hard Working Nomads

Rock Dwarves are known for being hard workers who often take jobs as mercenaries, manual laborers, and caravan guards. Due to their nomadic nature they prefer employment that allows them to travel. This makes them hearty and eager adventurers and scavengers as well.

Honor Bound

From a young age, those raised by the Rock Dwarves are taught that honor and loyalty are paramount. Because of this, they will always honor a contract to its end unless it becomes detrimental to their loved ones or their honor code.

The Last Settlement

Although all Dwarves are nomadic, there is still one last permanent settlement named Iver on the Island of Eilo which is run by the Rock Dwarves. This gives them a bit more of a grounding into the past of the Dwarves as well as access to the Dwarven history. Many who were not born here will make at least one pilgrimage to the city during their lifetime.

Rock Dwarf Names

At birth, a rock dwarf is given a single name. As they reach adolescence they are then given a second name by the elders of the clan they live in. Lastly, when they reach adulthood, they choose a last name usually based on some sort of trait or accomplishment. Rock dwarf given names are gender based though some are gender neutral. Last names are always gender neutral.
Rock Dwarf Male First Names Aberasha, Berhoon, Etnesh, Mekit, Towaros, Wernith
Rock Dwarf Female First Names Cyngyd, Jodvha, Leoffda, Sontra, Wasseh
Rock Dwarf Given Names Bukolo, Deebakah, Enendah, Unan, Wendel
Rock Dwarf Last Names Angerlash, Bonegrog, Grasswalker, Squareback, Woundriver

Rock Dwarf Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Rooted You have advantage on skill checks and saving throws against being knocked prone and pushed back.
Direction Sense You can innately determine which direction you are travelling so long as you are on solid ground in any conditions including underground.

Sand Dwarves

Sand Dwarves as the name may suggest are a group who presides almost exclusively in the desert. They are nomadic, only settling down for a few days to weeks in one location where they set up tent camps.

Physical Traits

Sand Dwarf groups spend their time roaming out in the open desert. This has led to them having skin that ranges from deep tan to ebony and dark brown to black hair. Their eyes are deep set and are often lighter colors of blue, green, amber, and hazel. Like their brethren, they are shorter and stouter than most heritages.

Ability Score Increase Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age Sand Dwarves age at the same rate as humans.
Size Your size is Medium.
Speed Your base walking speed is 25.
Desert Resilience You can go twice as long without food and water than normal. Additionally, you have advantage on any roll to prevent blindness.

Cultural Traits

Wandering Clans

As with all dwarves, Sand Dwarves are a nomadic culture. They live in small clans that were started as family units but now have intermingled enough so that all that remains are the family names. Each clan governs its own members except when another clan is affected where a third clan is tapped to act as a mediator. If more than two clans are involved, which is rare, the issue is reviewed by all clans during the next communal meeting. On certain holidays every year the clans meetup in a large communal popup town to celebrate. Each holiday has a different atmosphere depending on the reason for the event. During these events is when single Sand Dwarves mingle and court each other.

Masters of Trade

While often known for some of their incredible archeological finds, the Sand Dwarves make most of their money transporting goods and information between settlements. The desert being a harsh climate gives them a fairly strong monopoly on moving goods through and into it. Occasionally their archeological finds include salvage which they will peddle to the highest bidder.

Sand Dwarf Names

Sand dwarves have two names, a given name and a clan name. Given names always start with a vowel sound and clan names with a consonant sound.
Sand Dwarf Given Names Afleir, Erlind, Inda, Ovee, Yngar
Sand Dwarf Clan Names Bander, Darga, Hervarder, Runi, Vrogur

Sand Dwarf Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Desert Nomad Your speed is 35 when traversing desert terrain and those traveling with you move through all desert terrain without being slowed.
Direction Sense You can innately determine which direction you are travelling so long as you are on solid ground in any conditions including underground.

Sea Dwarves

Spending the majority of their life on the seas, Sea Dwarves are often exceptional sailors and pirates. It's rare for a Sea Dwarf to be born on land and are usually born on board of a ship. As with their brethren, they rarely sit still for very long preferring the nomad lifestyle.

Physical Traits

Sea Dwarves tend to have dark skin and hair from their many generations at sea under the bright sun. Like their brethren they are short and stocky. They often wear their hair long and braided or tied back. While facial hair is popular in the older generations, many in the younger generations have eschewed this trend. In addition, the newer generations have begun developing webbing between their toes leaving those on ships to eschew shoes while those in other cultures to never take them off.

Ability Score Increase Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age Sea Dwarves age at the same rate as humans.
Size Your size is Medium.
Speed Your base walking speed is 25.
Natural Diver You are able to hold your breath for twice as long as normal and have a swimming speed of 35 feet.

Cultural Traits

Mariner's Lives

Spending most if not their entire life on the sea, they are adept at the various jobs of sailing a ship and defending against pirates.

Crafting the Dull Away

The days on the sea can become dull and many Sea Dwarves pick up hobbies to pass the time such as macrame, whittling, and gambling.

Sea Dwarf Names

Generally, sea dwarves only have one name that is given to them at birth. If a second name is required for some reason, they will use the name of the boat they are working on or the last boat they did work on.
Sea Dwarf Given Names Ary, Bui, Frid, Ingi, Sgeird

Sea Dwarf Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Sailor Training You have proficiency with rapiers, tridents, nets, and hand crossbows. Additionally, you have proficiency in sailing vehicles.
Crafty You choose one crafting toolkit or gambling game to be proficient in.