Ore Adept

Fighter Martial Archetype

Ore Adepts learn to use Æther Ore to enhance their combat by drawing on the magical energies contained within. They do not have a uniting moral code, only the knowledge and practice of using Ore.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier for spells and spell like effects of this subclass.

Spell Components you do not require spell components to use spell and spell like effects of this subclass.

Absorb Ore

3rd-level Ore Adept feature

During a long rest, you are able to absorb an amount of Ore equal to your fighter level. Ore that has been absorbed must be used within one day or it will be dissipated and unusable.

Flare Ore

3rd-level Ore Adept feature

You are able to make use of the Ore you have absorbed to enhance yourself as outlined below using one point of ore.

Ægis Ore As an Action you surround yourself with a protective magical barrier, you gain a +2 to your Armor Class for 10 minutes.
Cloud Ore Using an Action, you steel your mind against attack and have advantage on saving throws versus being charmed, frightened, or possessed for 1 minute.
Crystal Ore Focusing as an Action, you gain advantage on one knowledge based roll.
Quiet Ore You can cast the Calm Emotions or Friends spell.
Raw Ore
Root Ore
Shadow Ore
Trickster Ore Using an Action, roll on the table below:
Roll Effect
1 You cast the Faerie Fire spell.
2 You gain 2 (1d4) + your proficiency modifier in temporary hit points.
3 You cast the Sleep spell at a level equal to half your fighter level minus 1. The spell affects all creatures in the area centered on you except yourself.
4 A number of items equal to your proficiency modifier are affected by the Catapult spell launching in a random direction. Roll 1d3 to determine the direction 1:N, 2:E, 3:S, 4:W.
5 Your limbs become stretchy. Until the end of your next turn, your reach is increased by 5 feet.
6 You emit an intensely strong odor for one hour. All creatures within 10 feet of you have disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. Creatures have advantage on rolls to track you by smell.
7 You glow a bright purple providing 5 feet of bright light and an additional 5 feet of dim light.
8 Roll twice on this table ignoring rolls of 8.

Burn Ore

7th-level Ore Adept feature

Having spent a lot of time working with Æther Ore, you have become able to more efficiently tap into its power. This allows you to activate more powerful abilities using the same amount of Ore. In addition to the abilities you already have from Flare Ore, you can use two points of ore to use the abilities below.

Ægis Ore The magical barrier you create has become stronger, using an action you gain a +3 to your Armor Class and advantage on Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity saving throws for 10 minutes.
Cloud Ore
Crystal Ore You can cast the Comprehend Languages" spell.
Quiet Ore
Raw Ore You use an action to attack a creature that you have an unobstructed view of within 60 feet of you. You travel in a straight line and land next to the creature making an attack roll at advantage.
Root Ore You send a wave of pure magical energy out from yourself in a 10 foot radius. All creatures you choose within the area of affect must make a DC 10 + your proficiency bonus concentration check.
Shadow Ore
  • You can cast the Darkness spell
  • When you are in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or darkness.
Trickster Ore Using an Action, roll on the table below:
Roll Effect

Imbue Æther

10th-level Ore Adept Feature You are able to temporarily imbue an object with the power of ore.

Immolate Ore

15th-level Ore Adept Feature

18th-level Feature