Circle of Stars

Druid Circle

The Circle or Stars is an organization of various Druidic communities across the world. These Druids devote themselves to learning of the ways the heavens affect the world below and helping guide those in need using their ability to manipulate this subtle natural process. Generally living in areas with clear view of the skies and away from the worries of the civilized world, some do make deals with nearby villages and towns to give advice regarding the coming seasons for farming and hunting. While some of these are for supplies or services, others are for new blood for the Circle.

The new stargazers are brought to the Circle and begin a 5-year period of learning the basics of being a Druid. The end of the 5 years begins a year of preparation for their Pilgrimage. This preparation includes getting their body tattooed with the major constellation that brightly lit up the night they were chosen and gaining a Sky Orb, a magical object formed out of Crystal Ore. It displays an accurate depiction of the night sky above the user (it just doesn’t work very well under unnatural barriers).

Sky Orbs

Orbs crafted out of Crystal Ore that the Star Druids have found over the years; these are big enough to comfortably fit in the owner’s palm. It is a crystal-clear orb when it is not in use. It has the following uses/abilities:


The Circle of Stars believe the heavens above them have a subtle effect on the way the natural world behaves. This is clearly seen in basic things like plants needing the light above to grow, the moons changing the tides of the oceans, and the general cycles of life that seem to sync up to certain astrological movements. While they do believe that the stars can be read to foretell some events, the success rate for anything related to the potential acts of individuals with free will is fairly low. Thus, they focus their attention to things that can be more predictable, like the weather or plant growth, as well as events for large populaces over long periods of time.

The Circle views this limitation as the Heavens having more of macro view of the world, looking to influence events over the course of decades via changes to the natural world. If the Stars ‘see’ a potential war brewing between two nations, they may ‘influence’ weather to become rougher in some areas of either kingdom, leading to it being harder to harvest the resources in that area. This could potentially hinder or stop a potential surprise invasion or lead to a discovery of an ancient secret that brings a new hero or leader to a nation, all over the course of decades.

While some Druids from the Circle of Stars do preform readings to individuals for coin, most of these are just educated guesses based on the Stars and other Heavenly Bodies’ locations at the time. Some of these guesses do turn out true, but at the end of the day they were just guesses. An individual’s free will can overpower any of the Star’s subtle power over them.


The Pilgrimage is a journey each Star Druid goes through, they are sent away from their community and travel the world to visit other Druidic communities (some of which may not be of the Circle of Stars). The Star Druid is not given directions or any other information about the location of these other communities. They must divine the locations from the Stars above them, even if it takes them years to do so.

Few Star Druids complete this journey. Many die from the hazards of the road, some settle down due to ties they create with other people on their journey, others just give up on it all, and a small number don’t even attempt it, using the Pilgrimage as a way to escape the Druidic Circle after being forced to join them due to a deal with their community. Those that abandon the Pilgrimage are unable to return to their original home, due to the connection it still has to the Druids and are forced to start a new life elsewhere. (This is more from awkwardness and shame between them and the community, the Druids have nothing against them and will not force them to return)

The Druids that do complete the Pilgrimage are given a final test in the Cave of Night, said to be determined by the Stars themselves. Not every Druid that takes this test passes, and those that fail are assumed dead, as no body remains.

Major Settlement

Star’s Light, the main settlement of the Circle of Stars is near the top of the “Pillar to the Heavens”, one of the tallest mountains in (at least this part of) the world (known as (insert name here) to the rest of civilization). While this is the epicenter of this Druidic community and larger than most other Druid settlements, with only about 100 people living there, to outsiders it would look about the size of village. Within the mountain’s caves past the village to the peak of the mountain, it is rumored that a large deposit of Crystal Ore exists, the source of the Druids’ Sky Orbs. Druidic legends speak of how the mountain was struck by a falling star, giving the Pillar it’s Crystal Ore deposits.

Above the settlement at the actual peak, is the Cave of Night where the Trials takes place. A potential Arch-Druid enters the cave and communes with the stars to learn of what their final Trial requires. After the Druid enters and the cave is sealed, it will only be reopened when a new Druid is ready for their Trial, or the new Arch-Druid makes their way out. Those that have glimpsed the inside during an opening or sealing of the entrance speak of how it looks like the druid walks into the night sky itself.


Like some other Druid Circles, the Circle of Stars community resembles more of a theocracy than any other form of government. They have their religious leaders (the Arch-Druids) that commune with their god (aka the Stars and other Heavenly Bodies) and make most of their decisions based on that communion. Due to the few that do survive their Trial, all settlements except for Star’s Light generally only have one Arch-Druid leading them.

Star’s Light has a council of 3 Arch-Druids, the oldest of the three is known as the High Arch-Druid and considered the head of the Circle of Stars. The second oldest leads Star’s Light in a way that is like the other smaller settlement’s local Arch-Druid. The youngest is the most recent completer of the Pilgrimage and its Trial. They spend most of their time learning the ins and outs of leading a settlement, they will leave Star’s Light for another settlement once a new Druid completes the Trial, usually travelling to the one that has either recently lost their leader or one that is expected to soon.

When the High Arch-Druid’s time is coming to an end, the Stars reveal an omen to the Arch-Druids of the world. They travel to Star’s Light and commune in the Cave of Night until the new High Arch-Druid is chosen.

The Selection Ritual

Many Druid communities choose to aid the neighboring settlements in tending the land, this is especially true for the Circle of Stars as they are usually living in more remote locations. This aid will usually come as part of a trade of goods, services, or new blood. For the Circle of Stars, this involves a ritual invoking the Stars themselves to choose an of age member of the settlement to join them.

This ritual will usually occur once a year on a clear night (often on a New Night (see next section)), all of age members of the settlement come to the town center as the local Arch-Druid and a few additional Druids call out to the Heavens in Druidic and one (at least most of the time) person of the village is lit up by one of the constellations above them. This person is given the day to say their goodbyes as the Druids fulfill their end of the bargain, giving advice on the coming seasons, enriching the land with their magic, etc.

When the new blood is brought to the Druid settlement, a weeklong celebration is held to help introduce them to their ways and beliefs in a way to help ease the transition. This celebration ends with the new blood receiving a tattoo of the constellation that chose them. From there, the 5-year basic training process begins.

Days of Importance

Full Nights are when the three Moons of Ærethia are in the “Full Moon” phase. Considered a night when all the world is visible to the Stars beyond, the Druids consider this to be a time when no truths can be hidden and no lies undetected. Throughout the night, a celebration is held, where the Druids celebrate their guides in full view.

An observed custom involves the Druids asking a question of their fellows. Any person can ask participants one question each and expect the complete truth. If a person is discovered to give falsehoods to these questions, it can lead to exile from the Circle.

New Nights are when the three Moons of Ærethia are in the “New Moon” phase. While a Full Night is considered the time when the Stars have full view of all things below, the New Night is when those on the ground have full view of the heavens above. Readings during this night are considered more accurate than those of any other time, leading many Circle of Stars Druids to spend this night focusing on important readings, or use this time to perform rituals determining new blood.

Other Circle of Stars Background Info: Druids on their Pilgrimage will stop in various magic and knick-knack shops looking for any sky orbs that have ended up in their possession, as well as keeping a general eye out for them in their travels. They hope that they will be able to return the found sky orbs to the Circle of Stars. Various constellations have different meanings between the various cultures, the Star Druids try to have at least passing knowledge of these (They even have some interpretations of their own) This Circle does not look down upon any that choose to leave the Circle during their Pilgrimage, as a main tenant of their beliefs involves trusting the Stars to lead all to where they must go, regardless of the path they end up choosing. The temporary time with the Circle is assumed to affect the individual’s future choices in such a way that they end up where the Stars desire without forcing them to stick to the path. Druids born from members of the Circle rarely choose to take the Pilgrimage. They are taught of the Circle’s ways from birth, and so are given more of a choice when it comes to training and attempting to become one of the Circle’s Arch-Druids. Them growing up and see the new blood come and go, while also watching many potential Arch-Druids enter the Cave of Night and not come back has led many to be content with their position or to go beyond the lands of their ancestors into the wider world of Ærethia. Some of the Druids that follow the Star’s path will find their eyes have changed to a silvery color. It isn’t a common side affect from this practice, but it’s documented enough to not be a surprise to Druids informed the change occurred. None seem to know if this change is the body reacting to the channeling of power or if the Stars are marking them for a specific purpose (as there are more documented to failing the pilgrimage and trial with the eyes than successfully becoming Arch-Druids). Possible Locations of other Druid Settlements: A once nomadic group of Stars Druids settled down and created an oasis in a desert, hiding within sandstorms they’ve whipped up for a reason only they know. A community of Stars (and other Circle) Druids spent centuries on a remote chain of islands, with their only real interactions outside of it were through transportation spells or wildshaping and travelling by foot/fin/wing. If they can still connect with the mainland, they should be relatively peaceful, but what happens when they no longer can teleport due to their most powerful members passing? Will they find their way back or dig into their more primal instincts and claim the chain and ocean around it their hunting grounds? Druids from most Circles live in the Hollow Cliffs within the Still Sea Valley (See accompanying document). The Hollow Cliffs are located along the northern shore of the Still Sea. These Cliffs once had far fewer and much shallower caves along its sea facing walls, but when the various Druids of different Circles found themselves drawn to the Still Sea, they began to dig out the caves and connect them. Over the centuries, this process created a large cave network within the cliffs, leading to the Druids joking that the cliffs were basically hollow, till the name stuck. Outside the cliffs was originally a very rocky shoreline, the Druids used the same magics they dug the earth with (and all the rock they excavated) to form the rocky shore into multiple pillars. These pillars each became the location of a Circle’s facilities, with the largest serving as a sort of town hall or council chamber, whenever dire threats to the natural way of things come to the Druids’ attention.