
Elves are the dominant species of Ærethia, particularly the Cloud Elves. The two subspecies are in the midst of a cold war with the Ember Sands being the only reason that outright war has not broken out.

Blood Elves

While related to Cloud Elves, Blood Elves have a distinct appearance and culture. They are generally considered xenophobic and barbaric due to their relationship with Cloud Elves.

Physical Traits

The skin of a blood elf ranges from bright to dark red. They stand between 5’10” to 6’6”. Women are typically shorter and more muscular than the men who are tall and lythe. Their ears come to a slight point at the top as do all elves of Ærethia.

Ability Score Increase Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age Blood Elves reach physical maturity around the age of 25 they are considered adults. On average they live to around 130 years.
Size Blood Elves stand between 5'6" and 6'6" tall with a lean build. They have a large sexual dimorphism with females being between 5'6" and 6'0" and average around 135 lbs. Males are between 6'0" and 6'6" and average around 155 lbs. Your size is Medium.
Speed Your base walking speed is 30.
Darkvision Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Cultural Traits

Scattered but United

Blood Elves live in small tight knit communities usually ranging from 50 to 200 individuals. Though this communities are small they are numerous with only a dozen or so miles between them. With this closeness comes a united culture that works together when it comes to handling outsiders. This doesn't mean that they don't have inner squabbling but these matters are handled in courts run by the 6 eldest members of each community rather than through violence.

Violent Xenophobia

The most of the other heritages of Ærethia perceive the Blood Elves as violent, barbaric, and xenophobic, especially the Cloud Elves. They see themselves as defensive of their lands and culture which the feel must be preserved. Anyone approaching their lands will be threatened until they leave except Cloud Elves who they will kill on sight.

Blood Elf Names

Blood elves are given a name at childhood and also have a second name based on their parents. Boys are given a portmanteau on their father/mothers names and ends in "n" and girls get mother/father that ends in "l."
Male Blood Elf Given Names Bracon, Cladorn, Kaylern, Plenten, Seaven, Yadern
Male Blood Elf Last Names Braynan, Clornan, Leelan, Seven, Xatiln
Female Blood Elf Given Names Bren, Dindora, Skela, Yna, Zosta
Female Blood Elf Last Names Dincol, Helcol, Jencol, Ynavel

Blood Elf Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Mask of the Wild You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
Culture of Creativity You are proficient with two trade tools or artistic endeavors.

Cloud Elves

Cloud Elves are the most populous subspecies on Ærethia and possess the largest settlements. While they are welcoming of outsiders, they are expansionists due to prosperity leading to conflict with other kingdoms, most notably the Garasky.

Physical Traits

Averaging a height of 6 feet 0 inches to 6 feet 8 inches, the Cloud Elves are among the tallest heritages on Ærethia aside from the Garasky. Males and Females grow to the same heights with no sexual dimorphism present. They are slender with weights averaging between 120 to 150 lbs. Elves’ coloration encompasses the normal human range and also includes skin in shades of copper, bronze, and almost bluish-white, hair of green or blue, and eyes like pools of liquid gold or silver. Elves have very little facial and body hair and what they do have is board straight.

Ability Score Increase Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age The age of maturity both socially and physically for Cloud Elves is around the age of 30. On average they live to about 130 years.
Size Cloud Elves stand between 6'2" and 6'8" tall with a slender build and average around 150 lbs. Your size is Medium.
Speed Your base walking speed is 30.
Friends You can innately cast the Friends cantrip 3 times per day.

Cultural Traits

Pragmatic and Welcoming

Cloud elves, in contrast to their kin the Blood Elves, are very welcoming to other heritages. They make large communities and are the leaders of the largest cities in the region. Most are quite happy with the arrangement but some are resentful of how much power the Cloud Elves have. Despite this welcoming nature, it is noticed by many that the highest offices in all cities and towns controlled by Cloud Elves are held by their own people. Some of the lesser offices do contain other heritages but these are the exception more than the rule.

Community Closeness

Although the cities and towns of the Cloud Elves often grow large, the communities within the walls remain close. Several generations of a family often live under a single roof or block with the extended family living close by and making up the bulk of a neighborhood. The government of a settlement is hierarchical with the top levels being democratic. Neighborhoods have their own leaders that are appointed in a process determined by themselves but the higher levels of leadership are filled by direct vote. While all heritages are legally allowed to vote, there is often a discouragement through direct and indirect means.

Cloud Elf Names

Cloud elves are given a name at birth and most inherit a family name. Given names are almost exclusively gender neutral. If a child's parents are unknown they are given a family name by who raises them.
Cloud Elf Given Names Aquila, Faustus, Glycia, Ovita, Prisca, Taitus, Visina
Cloud Elf Family Names Babak, Gonish, Roshan, Toumsa, Weshnar

Cloud Elf Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Weapon Training You are proficient with the longsword, halberd, shortbow, and longbow.
Extra Language You can speak, read, and write one extra language of your choice.