The placial home of the city's governor, Grestia Weshan. The structure is two stories tall and the entrance is surrounded by guarded walls. A stone fountain sits atop the courtyard at the front of the building.
A sizable stable for the horses owned by Grestia. These horses are among the finest in the region.
This 15 foot tall bronze statue of Grestia sits just outside of his estate. For the duration of its existance it has been polished weekly to keep from tarnishing. However recently that practice has been abandoned.
The one and only tavern in the town of Destra.
Once a temple dedicated to Eldion, it was converted recently when Gretia began worshiping The Dicemaker.


Area ½ sq mile
Population 1,000

Destra is a smaller community in relation to Kuridu found about 5 miles up river. It is built around the home of and run by a Cloud Elf noble named Grestia Weshan. His unfathomable wealth and political pull has allowed him to create this small community as a personal project.