
Garasky, often referred to as Giant-Kin are a group of very diverse cultures. They are grouped together due to their geographical location and their united front in a war against the true giants.


Often seen as big, dumb, barbaric, and uncultured, those who see the inside of the Orcs culture are often surprised by what they find. While war is their preoccupation, it is primarily for use as a defensive tactic since the Giants in Nerowen have been encroaching on their lands.

Physical Traits

Orcs are large humanoids with pale green skin and black hair, when they have hair. Orcs are usually over 6 feet 6 inches tall and weigh between 260 and 300 pounds.

Ability Score Increase Your Strength score increases by 1.
Age At the age of 8 orcs are considered adults. Due to this rapid growth, orcs live shorter lives than the other species with a lifespan around 55 years.
Size Women and men grow to the exact same size and are generally indistinguishable to casual outside observers. Your size is Medium.
Speed Your base walking speed is 30.
Sturdy Build When you are knocked below one quarter of your HP, you gain resistance to non-magical slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage

Cultural Traits


Family and by extension community is the most important pillar of Orc society. Most of what Orcs would call a morality or code is eventually going to be defined in an effort to support their community. At the age of maturity, all orcs enter into military service that can range from a year to several depending on if there is an active engagement to participate in. After this service, they choose a job in their community that needs filling and that they have a predilection for.
Honorable Warriors Although martial abilities and glory are not tantamount to Orc society, they do believe in the honor of war. They treat enemy prisoners with care and while they will almost always require a ransom, will return them to their homeland.

Orc Names

Orcs have a single name given to them at birth. Only those who have an important family such as nobles and great warriors carry on a family name. Those who have a family name but themselves have not done anything of importance will usually not use the family name to avoid dishonoring it.
Orc Given Male Names Andel, Dumis, Sipho, Thabe, Xolani
Orc Given Female Names Bandi, Hlen, Mali, Tombi, Zowla
Orc Family Names Dube, Kuhalo, Madono, Tshubal

Orc Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Strength score increases by 1.
Menacing You have proficiency in Intimidation and advantage on rolls against other species.
Savage Attack When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.


Believed to be an offshoot of true giants who lost their height long ago, Titans appear as very tall humans. They live in and around mountains.

Physical Traits

Titans are large humanoids.

Ability Score Increase Your Strength score increases by 1.
Age Titans age a bit slower than the other species. A child becomes an adult after a series of rituals around the age of 22. The average lifespan is 150 years.
Size Like other Gerasky, Titans are large compared to other species. They are often between 6 feet 10 inches and 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed Your base walking speed is 30.
Powerful Build You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Cultural Traits

Grand Settlements

Titans live in towering cities with buildings standing upwards of five and six stories that have been built and rebuilt over many generations. With the construction being aimed at such towering individuals, the cities seem even larger to other species.

Sophisticated Legal System

A complex system of laws rules the kingdom of the Titans. Criminal trials are held in courts and punishments are meant to fit the crime. Laws differ for different classes as well as between citizens and foreigners.

Titan Names

Titans have a given name from birth as well as a last name that is based upon their location of birth
Titan Given Names Braden, Dochad, Faelun, Maedoc, Paleon, Suibhan, Toirdle
Titan Last Names C'Orad, T'Lond, V'Ongol, W'Chall

Titan Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Wisdom score increases by 1.


Trolls are an ancient species that appears to have stayed unchanged for thousands of years. They are one of the few species that has not changed in population size since the Day of Embers.

Physical Traits

Trolls have green skin that can range from a very desaturated almost tan color to dark forest green. Their stature is slumped with long pointed ears and tusks.

Ability Score Increase Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age Trolls have an average lifespan of 100 years and mature around the age of 20.
Size While larger than most other species, Trolls are the smallest of the Gerasky being between 6'6" and 7'6" with no discernable size difference between the genders. Your size is Medium.
Speed Your base walking speed is 30.
Regeneration You can use a single hit die to heal as a reaction. This can be done a number of times per day equal to your character level divided by three. This does not work on fire damage.

Cultural Traits

The Orcish Border

Historically, Trolls have kept to themselves in their swamp settlements of Umelia. After a short war, they began to maintain a buffer between themselves and the Orcs in Wend. All settlements along this border are military bases rather than traditional settlements.

A Culture of Music

A love for and use of music in all parts of life is nearly ubiquitous in Troll culture. Every event religious or otherwise is accompanied by music and often dancing.
When Trolls have disagreements that can't be easily resolved or neither side wants to compromise, a battle of wits is scheduled. During the battle, the sides take turns dancing and singing insults at each other until one is too humiliated or exhausted to continue.

Troll Names

While Trolls are given a name at birth by their parents, it is common for a Troll to change their name every 5 to 10 years.
Troll Names Birum, Caula, Iara, Jacira, Moaria, Ubiraj, Yara

Troll Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Charisma score increases by 1.
A Life of Music You are proficient in a musical instrument of your choice.
A Hunter's Sense You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.